A family collaboration gave rise to HT: Unique & Uncommon Tea blending. HT is grounded in the Harney tradition of providing the finest quality full-leaf teas and herbs, all packed in a stunning silken tea sachet. You can now enjoy the sophistication of full-leaf teas with teabag convenience.
Blueberry Green
A balanced blend of green tea and blueberry.
Character: Chinese green tea artificially blended with lemongrass, blueberry and vanilla to create a brew that is sure to hit all the right notes.
Effects: Awakening
Brewing Time: Less than boiling water 3 minutes
Caffeine Content: 30-40 milligrams
Не является лекарственным средством
Другие Ингредиенты
Green tea, lemon grass, blueberry pieces, cornflowers and natural flavors.
The Correct Way to Brew Green Tea
Heat pot with boiling water until warm to touch.
Discard that water and use one sachet for two cups of tea.
Pour less than boiling water over sachet and steep 3 minutes.
Storage: No light, moisture of scent. Store tightly sealed.
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