BBF Life is better when you eat better.
Our company was founded in 2007 with a simple goal; make high-quality foods available to you at a great value. With that mission in mind, we have traveled the world to find the best food, package it using the highest standards, and deliver it to you at the best price!
There's just one ingredient in our Organic Baobab Powder. Can you guess what it is? Yes, organic Baobab. We source the superfruit pulp from South Africa so you're getting the real deal here, with 37% daily value fiber, 25% daily value of Vitamin C per serving, and did we mention electrolytes? Simply sprinkle, shake, blend and bake to give a nutritional boost to your favorite foods.
Better for Your Body - Superfruit with more antioxidants* than blueberries, acai, pomegranate and goji.
Eco-friendly - The baobab tree grows wild and is a sustainable food. Not to mention our baobab is organic, non-GMO and gluten-free.
Upgrade Your Eats - Sprinkle, shake, blend and bake to give a nutritional boost to all your favorite foods.
*Antioxidants as vitamin C
Мякоть плодов органического баобаба.
Правила хранения. Не требует хранения в холодильнике. Хранить в прохладном темном и сухом месте.
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